Saturday, December 18, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I thought by getting something, anything, scribbled onto the first page of my sketchbook would create the domino effect I needed to rapidly finish off the whole book. I think this sketch was done over a month ago though, and despite the fact that I have piles of loose papers covered in sketches throughout the house, my actual sketchbook is still 99% blank.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hi all

Just got done with our 3rd move this year and have unboxed all my art supplies (not necessarily the rest of the house yet). I'm so excited to get going on all my projects and to catch up with The Sketchbook Project (yikes).

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Game Night

Sketched a few friends at game night and this is the end result. I'd like to add about a dozen more things but I've decided I need to move on.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

1st sketch

Last night I started a painting based on that 1st sketch. So far so good, I suppose. I need to adjust some values and paint the light side of the dress... I wish the gesture was better
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Monday, July 19, 2010

Sketch 3- All We Like Sheep

I finally decided to try to keep the picture simple. It came out well enough that I think it might one day be a decent painting. Drawing that sheep was a good time. I've been reading about climate change and was thinking about how our current generation is a lot like sheep in the face of disaster. We don't have a very good idea how to respond even as we begin to raise the next generation. Thanks to these thoughts I had that chorus from Handle's Messiah "All We Like Sheep" going round and round in my head while I drew. That chorus can get mighty annoying.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

opening page

So this almost relates to my theme "in flight." I'm going to change the balloons to oranges and send this to sunkist. Grab your umbrellas kids it's raining citrus!
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sketch 2 - Too much

I'm always tempted to put way too much in my pictures. Since this is just a sketchbook I guess it's okay to junk it up to my heart's content.

And the only thing worse than blue pen is loosing it in the middle of a drawing and then having an oddly blue man in the middle of everything. Sorry blue man.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Getting Going

I always find the the first blank page of a new sketch crazy intimidating so last night around 10pm I flipped to the middle and told myself to draw whatever. This is what came out. To me it looks like my subconscious was feeling a little Catholic. Drawing the monsters in the bottom was the best part. I think I want to do more of them. Although next time I'm going to take the time to find my black pen. Blue looks kind of silly to me.

I visited the National Art Gallery yesterday and got to enjoy this incredible German Master Drawings from the Wolfgang Ratjen Collection 1580-1900. It made me feel like I draw like a monkey but SO delicious to see. Check out the slide show. The sketch books on view were jaw dropping.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

It Begins

I got this package in the mail yesterday. It's so lovely to get something besides junk mail and bills in the mail. I'm loving the red cover even if it's only slightly thicker than construction paper. I take back my statement about getting a half-way decent sketchbook out of this arrangement. This thing is totally going to fall apart. It's time to remember those bookbinding skills from the class I took 5 years ago. Or find the duct tape and "borrow" the high power office stapler.

I chose the theme: A Face In The Crowd

Because: If I can't think of anything else I can take the easy way out and just draw a lot of people I see around or indulge in my guilty pleasure of watching hours of C-span and sketching the lawmakers.